
Energy saving is an important issue for the building industry within the context of sustainable development. This can be demonstrated by the numerous rules and regulations: thermal regulations (RT 2005 and RT 2012 for new buildings, recent regulations for existing buildings), HQE approach (High Environmental Quality), LEED initiative (Leadership in Energy and Enviromental Design) ...

TEXTINERGIE is a simple tool which quantifies energy savings that can be made by using textile solar protection devices.

In just a few clicks, TEXTINERGIE compares the energy consumption of a room before and after being equipped with textile blinds.

Découvrez le site du Syndicat National de la Fermeture, de la Protection Solaire et des Professions Associées
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Select your town:

TEXTINERGIE has selected 8 French towns (representative of the thermal zones defined by RT2005), 8 towns in Europe and 8 towns out of Europe (representative of various climatic zones)

Select the façade aspect:

In order to present the actual use of solar protection devices in the best possible way, TEXTINERGIE does not take into account the less exposed façade aspect.
To find out more
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